Robert pattinson cedric harry potter
Robert pattinson cedric harry potter

While attending Harrodian as a teenager, he took on roles in plays and began to get comfortable on the stage. “He had nagged me about attending,” Pattinson later said of his father’s insistence. His father ultimately persuaded him to try his hand at acting, and through his encouragement he ended up attending the Barnes Theatre Club, a reputable program at Harrodian School in London. Initially, he planned on entering the industry as a musician, like his sister Lizzy. Growing up he was a shy child, but Pattinson has said he knew he wanted to be a performer from a young age. Robert Pattinson was born May 13, 1986, in London, England. Pattinson has said of the experience, “I remember going to Tokyo for the first time and sitting in my room, looking out over the city and being like, ‘How has this happened?’ It was really special and I really like that movie … I wouldn’t be acting if it wasn’t for that.” From London to Hollywood Robert Pattinson | Featureflash Photo Agency / While there is no definite answer as to how much he was paid, he does credit the film with fueling his desire to act. Many fans wonder, given the massive $25 million paycheck he received to star in the final films of the Twilight franchise, how much Robert Pattison earned for his Harry Potter role.

robert pattinson cedric harry potter robert pattinson cedric harry potter robert pattinson cedric harry potter

While Robert Pattinson achieved worldwide fame from his portrayal of Edward Cullen in Twilight, he had established himself years before with notable roles such as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Robert pattinson cedric harry potter